A Year in Review: 2019’s Top-Rated Blogs

Top 5 blogs

Hey guys, good news! Your trusty blog-loving blogger is back and ready to talk more about your all-time favorite topic — blogs, blogs, and more blogs. Now that 2019 is coming to a close, we want to take a look back at a year full of marketing insights, strategic advice, witty headlines, and a whole lot of puns.

As you look ahead to elevated marketing and increased sales in 2020, check out our list of top-rated g2 blogs published in the last year. Whether your favorite one made the cut or not (it’s competitive out there!) make sure to give each one another quick read and take those handy insights with you into the new year…

  1. How to Plan Your Marketing Budget for 2020

Your marketing budget isn’t a one-off task; it’s an ongoing process that needs to be monitored and refined throughout the year. In this blog, we go over the percentage of your top-line revenue that you should allocate to your marketing budget, and how you should most effectively distribute your available funds.

  1. Brand vs. Product 

Potential homeowners won’t choose you over someone else if your brand experience doesn’t cater to their wants, needs, and emotions. Yes, you have a unique (and worthy) brand not just a product! Here’s how to ensure that your brand evokes comfort, trust, and hope in those looking for the right team to build their home. 

  1. Making Your Corporate Culture the Voice of Your Brand

Our fearless leader, Mollie, always says: “Marketing is everything that leaves an impression about your company.” Learn how to embrace, cultivate, and measure team culture to positively affect your bottom line for years to come. (BTW: this blog encapsulates the incredible insights that Mollie spoke about at IBS 2019!)

  1. The Buyer Journey Breakdown: Part 1

Your sales funnel maps out the route that buyers take from initial awareness of a product to a final purchase. This blog discusses everything you need to know about the top of the funnel: the point where buyers discover and research your product. Check out the best tactics to use to meet your buyers exactly where they are.

  1. How to Stand Out in a Sea of Competition

How do you stand out from other builders who sell similar products? How do you catch a buyer’s attention and make sure they know that what you offer is truly superior? Learn how to not only discover your unique value, but demonstrate that value in a way that sets you apart from the competition.

That’s it for 2019! Thank you for sticking with us on our adventurous blog journey and giving us an audience to write to. We can’t wait to offer more marketing magic in the coming year… the best blogs are yet to come!

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