The Value of Great Home Photography

There is nothing more important in marketing than a first impression. As humans, we form our opinions in the first few seconds that we meet someone, see a product, or even set our eyes on the most significant financial and emotional purchase in our lives…our home.

Today’s homebuyers have short attention spans, which means capturing your audience’s attention is harder than it used to be. This is why using great photography to display your homes will boost your engagement and inspire your buyers to take action. 9 out of 10 buyers today rely on the Internet as their primary research source. Once these buyers arrive on your website, 83% of them say they value photos as the most useful feature.

If you’re like most builders, you’re probably taking photos yourself with a smart phone. Smart phones are great for many things – product photos are not one of them. Professionally taken photos are able to portray parts of the home in a visually aesthetic light that serves to promote its best assets. Photographers take traditional and creative shots to intrigue the buyer, and create an image that will play on their imagination.

So why don’t all homebuilders use professional photos? A frequent topic of conversation we hear from many homebuilders is that professional photography can be costly. If you fall in this category, you need to realize that over the past decade, there has been a major shift in the cost of hiring a professional. In fact, we see them at a fraction of the cost they used to be. Don’t believe us? Check out the HOUZZ photography network where you can find packages as low as $200. All you have to do is select the market you’re in, and reach out to any of the listed professionals.

Professional photography of your homes is an important marketing investment you can implement immediately to help generate more online engagement, leads and ultimately sales. Just remember; there are a large quantity of homes out there for sale, and buyers are very selective with their time, so make sure when they come across your homes, it’s love at first sight.


By Andy Bergren –
Group Two Senior Account Manager





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