Geofencing for Home Builders

Micro-target your ads to potential buyers at any location on the map

Leverage mobile technology to target your homebuyer based on their location, including competitor locations, real estate offices, apartment complexes, and more. We can then track and connect with your buyers via mobile ads and drive traffic to your model homes and sales offices to increase your new home sales.  Group Two uses leading-edge geo-fencing technology coupled with 50 years in the home building industry to provide the most accurate home buyer targets available to capture mobile devices and deliver your ads to home shoppers.


Realtor Offices


Parade of Homes

How it Works

1. capture buyers

A home shopper’s device can then be tracked via their mobile device id when they enter a defined target zone.  

2. serve them mobile ads

Your ads are delivered to home shoppers’ devices who have entered the target zones via the web and mobile apps.  Group Two leverages programmatic ad tech to optimize your geo-fencing campaigns.

3. track results

We start serving ads and follow the devices for the next 30 days.  If the device shows up in one of your conversion zone, we count it. This conversion zone data enables our home builders to measure and report on the efficacy of geo-fencing campaigns and what target zones are delivering the best return.  

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